The impact for regular users is even higher since they are more likely to leave their work or home computers unlocked and unattended. Politicians and businesspeople around the world appreciate this and have been among Telegram’s early adopters in most countries. With single-device chats you can be 100% sure that nobody can access your chats without accessing your (or your chat partner’s) phone first. We like to keep our Secret Chats where we can see them. That secret chats are only available on their devices of origin is also a feature. They are self-sanitizing thanks to self-destruct timers, and you can’t forward messages from them. Secret Chats are a bundle of tools for private single-device communication. Secret Chats are not just about End-to-End Encryption, otherwise we‘d have simply called them ’end-to-end encrypted chats'. To solve them in a secure way, you’d have to sacrifice usability and some of the features you’re used to – the result would never be as fluent and simple as what we offer in Cloud Chats. Most of our competitors (notably, Whatsapp and iMessage) solve these problems in ways that make their end-to-end encryption useless (this is a big topic, so requires a separate manual). However, if you want to access your end-to-end encrypted chats from multiple devices, you’re facing many technical difficulties, especially when it comes to connecting new devices, loading chat history and restoring backups. The concept of End-to-End Encryption has no limits for the number of communicating devices. Now let's look at the question in a little more detail: Multi-device End-to-end encrypted chats are a mess If you’re not sure you‘re qualified to continue the conversation, don’t hesitate to ask in your local group. This is especially important when dealing with security-related questions.

Take care to adapt the text in such a way that it fits the user‘s questions and situation perfectly. Note: Same as with any templates, please be very careful when sending this one. Let me know if you want to learn more about security on Telegram. Please note that they are encrypted as well and are further protected by Telegram's distributed infrastructure. Meanwhile, if you want your conversations to be synced across many devices, consider using Cloud Chats. We may add support for multi-device Secret Chats in the future. Secret Chats also use end-to-end encryption, so they can’t be synced in the same simple and convenient way as Cloud Chats. This way you can always be sure that they are safe for as long as your phone is safe in your pocket. While your Cloud Chats can be accessed from any of your devices anytime, Secret Chats are not part of the Telegram Cloud and are device-specific by design. Let’s send this first and then explain if any extra questions arise: The question goes pretty deep, so it‘s best not confuse the user with too many details right away. Why are Secret Chats only available on their devices of origin? This document offers some templates along with the basic ideas behind our design decisions. While checking the results of a recent quiz on how End-to-End Encryption (E2EE) works on Telegram, I noticed that not everyone in the TSF understands this.