Describe impression management software#
Demographic characteristics of respondents are presented in form of distribution with emphasis on gender, academic qualification, status and tenure, while Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient was utilized to test the hypothesized statements using the SPSS software version 21. A total of 279 copies of the questionnaire were retrieved representing 91% response rate. Using questionnaire as the main research instrument, data were collected from a sample of 306 employees of 6 telecommunication firms that are operational. This paper examined the relationship between leader ingratiatory impression management and subordinate job involvement in the telecommunication industry in Nigeria. It was recommended that the study of impression management in educational leadership and management, which is currently receiving peripheral attention, should be foregrounded to enhance the practice of leadership and management in education. A major conclusion was that, these impression management tactics are used differently in different organisation types. Data revealed that school heads used self promotion, Association, ingratiation, exemplification, supplication, and intimidation tactics in rank order respectively, to build impressions around their leadership capabilities.

The school heads responded to a questionnaire and interviews. Underpinned by a mixed methods paradigm, a descriptive survey research design was used wherein fifty selected school heads from two districts in Zimbabwe participated in the study. This study took a detour and investigated impression management tactics used by primary school heads to influence management and leadership decisions in their schools. Of late, there has been increased research interest in impression management tactics in employment interviews.