Link can charge it to make it shoot faster. The Bow can be randomly found on the Item Podiums that exist in the game. Link receives the Fire Arrows and Ice Arrows from the Queen of Fairies, and the Light Arrows in the catacombs. Quiver upgrades are obtained from various Great Fairies, allowing Link to eventually hold 99 arrows. It functions the same way as it does in previous 3D Zelda titles, except that the arrows travel entirely straight, instead of arcing upwards. The Hero's Bow is obtained in the Tower of the Gods.
#Like arrows in a quiver release locations upgrade#
Beating either upgrade Link's quiver once. There are two Shooting Galleries, one in East Clock Town and another in the Southern Swamp. Link acquires the Fire Arrows in the Snowhead Temple, Ice Arrows in the Great Bay Temple, and Light Arrows in the Stone Tower Temple. Link also gets new types of arrows in every dungeon.

It functions in exactly the same way as Ocarina of Time's Fairy Bow, with the only difference being in its appearance. The Hero's Bow is obtained in the Woodfall Temple in Majora's Mask. Link's original quiver can hold 30 arrows and can be upgraded to 40 and 50 in the Kakariko Village Shooting Gallery and the Horseback Archery mini-game, respectively. Using the Bow puts the user in a first-person perspective, and the arrows arc upwards somewhat. Also, Link receives the Light Arrows from Princess Zelda once he has awakened all the Seven Sages.

Link receives Fire Arrows by shooting at the sun above Lake Hylia and Ice Arrows by completing the Gerudo Training Ground. The Fairy Bow is found in the Forest Temple in Ocarina of Time. In the Second Quest, the Bow is found in the fifth dungeon of the game instead of the first. In the final dungeon of the game, Level 9: Death Mountain, Link receives the Silver Arrows, which do more damage and are required to defeat Ganon. The Bow is required to complete the game, because it is the only weapon capable of defeating Gohma, as well as Ganon. Also, as opposed to possessing a limited number of arrows, firing an arrow drains Link's Wallet by one rupee. Before Link gains the ability to use it, he must first purchase the arrows from one of the Item Shops for 80 Rupees. The Bow allows Link to fire off arrows at enemies. The Bow is found in the first dungeon of The Legend of Zelda, Level 1: The Eagle.